Friday, October 4, 2013

#GEHarvest Photo Contest

As the calendar turns to October, we are excited to welcome fall weather and all that comes along with it. We trade out berry flavors for apple and pumpkin, we trade humidity and boating for crisp air and hayrack rides, and we trade green leaves for trees bursting with yellows, oranges, and reds. It's harvest time!

To celebrate, the team here at Growers Edge wants to run a fun, friendly competition. Every farmer works the entire year to get to this point: harvesting their fields. Well, it's time to show off your yield!

During this harvest season, take a picture of your operation, your yields, your fields, or all three! Then, share those pictures on our Facebook wall or tweet those pictures using the hashtag #GEHarvest (follow us on Twitter here). You could even send pictures to if that's easier for you.

Along with the picture, please include what state you are located in. Also, rate your yield this year compared to your average yield (10 being your best year ever; 1 being far below your expectations). If you want to include your bushels per acre, feel free!

Below is an example of someone who tweeted a picture and included the #GEHarvest hashtag:
Then at the end of harvest season, the team here will create a map of all the participating states with the average yield rating from you, the farmers! You will be able to compare harvest years across states and see how you and your state stack up!

Good luck this harvest season, and remember to check this blog and our Facebook page for updates on the harvest map!

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